My Journey:
Is a testament to resilience, purpose, and transformation. From navigating the challenges presented to me and building a business to guiding others to shift their mindset and limit self-sabotage. Pivoting people to purpose. I’ve dedicated my life to showing others that extraordinary results are within their reach.

About Me:
Life Coach Enrichment Specialist LMSW
Tasha Chimbila is a certified professional Life Coach specializing in coaching individuals through transition and into a balanced purposeful life. Tasha is personally experienced with upgrading people's mindsets and moving them forward to be more confident and resilient in their lives. As an Enrichment Specialist, she strategizes with the clients to pivot to their purpose.
Tasha incorporates a Christian-based and solution-focused approach that supports clients in aligning them with clarity in their personal, spiritual, and professional lives. She is a wife and mother of four children. She is passionate about helping individuals, especially through her Enrich to Evolve program so they can create their true authentic selves. Her mission is to help the people she serves to create a vision, supporting and providing resources to pivot persons to purpose.
Tasha is certified at the Life Coach Training Institute as a Life Coach and is a graduate of Fordham University with a Master's in Social Work with her license as a (LMSW).
Tasha works with individuals, facilitates group sessions, and leads workshops and conferences on Empowerment, Self-Care, Self-Worth, and more. Navigating individuals from stuck to unstuck. Utilizing a framework to improve four pillars of life personally, professionally, spiritually, and socially.
2023 ~"Tasha is recognized as a leading Life Coach by the Coach Foundation" - https://coachfoundation.com/blog/top-life-coaches-from-america/

Vincent van Gogh
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”